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21 April 2020

When the dust settles: how to plan for other bad times after Covid-19

COVID-19 is, now, a unique event in the modern economy, but that doesn’t mean something similar won’t happen again. As we continue to adjust to the current crisis, here's Robin Jackson's list of 10 key things to keep in mind for the future 

16 April 2020 / Robin Jackson

The barrister’s progress

From a jobbing criminal hack to a silk, Recorder and Bencher in four years – Kama Melly QC reflects on how it happened and the measurement of career success at the Bar 

16 April 2020 / Kama Melly KC

Troubleshooting tips for the junior Bar

Taking stock of your practice, planning for the future and adjusting the way you work is one way to make use of interrupted times. Athena Markides grilled a panel, one famously secret, at the Bar Conference for their advice 

Counsel April 2020: full issue

Click here to see the full April 2020 issue online.

25 March 2020

Best of both

Barristers, it’s time to consider how we meld tried and trusted tradition with lawtech innovation. The future volume of work, and the legal market’s willingness to pay for it, could be in the balance, writes Anna Simmonds 

13 March 2020 / Anna Simmonds

Future practice

Are barristers primed and ready to rethink, reshape and future-proof their practice? Might technology be part of the answer, especially when time is already stretched? These questions were examined in A Brave New Bar , a state-of-play report based on research conducted by LexisNexis 

13 March 2020

The point of Circuit

Why you should join a Circuit: a far cry from dinners eaten and fines levied, it’s good fellowship, lifelong education and representation in matters that affect you  

By Kate Brunner QC  

13 March 2020 / Kate Brunner KC

Bar sustainability: zero tolerance

Inequitable briefing, power play, a culture of fear... age-old problems that can have a devastating impact on retention rates. The Association of Women Barristers sets out six measures to maintain the gender balance and enable staying for silk  

By Lynne Townley and Nikki Alderson  

13 March 2020 / Lynne Townley / Nikki Alderson

The future of Bar training is already here

Following a five-year review, three consultations and concerted efforts to make it more evenly distributed, the new age of education begins in autumn 2020 – Catherine Baksi's  guide to the regime and its providers

13 March 2020 / Catherine Baksi
virtual magazine View virtual issue

Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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