The Secret Barrister

The Secret Barrister

Best-selling author of The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken (Picador: 2018) and Fake Law: the Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies (Picador: 2020) and Independent Blogger of the Year (2017 and 2016 Comment Awards), the Secret Barrister is a junior barrister specialising in criminal law and blogs at thesecretbarrister.com. Nothing But The Truth: Stories of Crime, Guilt and the Loss of Innocence by the Secret Barrister was published by Picador on 12 May 2022.

Articles by this author


The Secret Barrister’s pupillage tales

A warts-and-all look back at SB’s pupillage: an extract from Nothing But The Truth

16 September 2022

Why being a barrister is the best job in the world (or what you need to know going in)

Newly minted Bar graduates compete at a ratio of 300:1 for a golden ticket to Wonka’s Criminal Justice Factory. The Secret Barrister explains why…

01 September 2021
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The truth about our human rights laws, by the Secret Barrister

Few cases raise more hackles than foreign nationals breaching our criminal law, only for the govern­ment’s attempts at deporting them to be frustrated.

An extract from Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies by the Secret Barrister

03 September 2020

Opinion: Where next for post-COVID criminal justice? asks The Secret Barrister

Something must be done or the much-vaunted ‘new normal’ will be taking place without us. The Secret Barrister boils down the critical issues into a five-point alternative recovery plan for criminal justice

28 July 2020

OPINION The Secret Barrister on televised sentencing in the Crown court

Broadcasting deals for on-screen sentencing: a decontextualised gift to bad-faith editors? Why we shouldn’t lose sight of the risks to open justice. By The Secret Barrister

23 April 2020

Troubleshooting tips for the junior Bar

Taking stock of your practice, planning for the future and adjusting the way you work is one way to make use of interrupted times. Athena Markides grilled a panel, one famously secret, at the Bar Conference for their advice

16 April 2020

Interview: Richard Atkins QC

Grilling Richard Atkins QC on his fears and aspirations for the year ahead, The Secret Barrister finds a crusader chair with an ambitious and overarching aim

16 January 2019

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Digitising documents, yes. Digitising clients, no. The Secret Barrister’s resistance to the video-link revolution is both practical and principled

28 September 2018

Inquisitorialism: a search for truth?

The Secret Barrister wears a black cape, fights crime and shares with Counsel an extract from their much-anticipated book on the criminal justice system: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken

22 March 2018
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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