Kama Melly KC

Kama Melly KC

Kama Melly KC is Chair of the North Eastern Circuit Women’s Forum and Deputy Head of Chambers at Park Square Barristers.

Articles by this author


Robing room loos: a feminist issue

A win for the North Eastern Circuit’s Women’s Forum – the campaign led by Kama Melly KC for equitable toilet provision at Leeds Crown Court

10 July 2023

The barrister’s progress

From a jobbing criminal hack to a silk, Recorder and Bencher in four years – Kama Melly QC reflects on how it happened and the measurement of career success at the Bar

16 April 2020

Advocacy and the vulnerable training: a progress report

A skill that can be taught: Bar now sets standard of excellence in efforts to improve the questioning of the vulnerable. By Lynda Gibbs, Kama Melly QC and HHJ Simon Drew QC

28 November 2018
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Moving towards spring

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