Let's get it done: a full COVID-19 inquiry

Making the case for an urgent formal public inquiry, Theo Huckle QC , Nick Brown  and Frederick Powell  discuss its potential form, function and how best to manage the formidable process

28 September 2020 / Theo Huckle KC / Nick Brown / Frederick Powell

Transitioning back to chambers

As chambers begin to repopulate amid continuing uncertainties, wellbeing policies are more important now than ever. Dr Anna Colton  and Lucy Burrows  explain how to spot signs of anxiety and protect members, pupils and staff

02 September 2020 / Dr Anna Colton / Lucy Burrows

COVID-19 & care homes inquiry: an urgent call

Clearly something has gone badly wrong in the UK. The proportion of care home residents who have died is a third higher than in Ireland and 13 times greater than Germany. With a second wave ahead, lessons learned can save lives. By Oliver Lewis 

29 July 2020 / Oliver Lewis

Lessons from the Spanish flu and other pandemics

Lynne Townley  and John Clifford  take a look at how the sometimes competing concerns of public safety and open justice were met during previous pandemics 

28 July 2020 / Lynne Townley / John Clifford

Opinion: Where next for post-COVID criminal justice? asks The Secret Barrister

Something must be done or the much-vaunted ‘new normal’ will be taking place without us. The Secret Barrister  boils down the critical issues into a five-point alternative recovery plan for criminal justice 

28 July 2020 / The Secret Barrister

Ch-ch-changes in chambers

Is ‘a set of chambers’, in its current form, the best or only model? This is the time to acknowledge the elephants in the room and make some bold and creative decisions, writes Robin Jackson 

28 July 2020 / Robin Jackson

A plea for pro bono

As courts re-open and barristers' diaries begin to fill back up, the need for pro bono will skyrocket as Advocate's applicants try to untangle the devastating mess caused by COVID-19. By Shyam Popat 

27 July 2020 / Shyam Popat
Frank Augstein/AP/Shutterstock

Opinion: Learning lessons from COVID-19? The challenges facing any judge-led public inquiry

As the number of daily deaths from COVID-19 declines, calls grow for a judge-led public inquiry into the UK’s response to the pandemic. How appropriate would an inquiry be and what practical challenges would it face? By  Ryan Ross  

08 July 2020 / Ryan Ross

Opinion: Locked down but looking ahead

What can the Bar learn from crisis? Lockdown has forced the profession to experiment with the idea of mass working from home. We should identify and bank the benefits. But we must guard against the risks, too 

By Joanna Hardy  

25 June 2020 / Joanna Hardy-Susskind

Diversity in lockdown: threats and opportunities

The junior Bar - which makes by far the largest contribution to the diversity of the profession as a whole - is at risk of sinking as a result of lockdown. Ideas for how we can best use this time to redouble the Bar's diversity efforts 

By  Zoë Chapman  and Francesca Kirby  

24 June 2020 / Zoë Chapman / Francesca Kirby
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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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