Shyam Popat

Shyam Popat

Shyam Popat is Chief Operating Officer and Head of Casework at Advocate (the new name of the Bar Pro Bono Unit): weareadvocate.org.uk.

Articles by this author

A plea for pro bono

As courts re-open and barristers' diaries begin to fill back up, the need for pro bono will skyrocket as Advocate's applicants try to untangle the devastating mess caused by COVID-19. By Shyam Popat

27 July 2020

Access to justice in the lockdown

Covid-19 has upended the way that everyone works, but the Advocate team has scrambled to adapt quickly and support from the Bar has been fantastic, says Shyam Popat

08 April 2020

Day in the life...Shyam Popat

The ups and downs of working at the frontline of pro bono by Advocate’s Head of Casework 

30 May 2019
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The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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