Practice Toolset


The anti-racist chambers

Raggi Kotak and Laurie-Anne Power on the positive actions chambers can take to support a more racially inclusive environment

21 December 2021 / Laurie-Anne Power KC / Raggi Kotak

A barrister’s viewpoint: the coronial playing field

Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth, writes Katie Gollop QC

21 December 2021 / Katie Gollop KC

The new Coroners’ Court competences

An introduction to the new BSB guidelines and resources for barristers practising within the Coroners’ Courts. By Oliver Hanmer

21 December 2021 / Oliver Hanmer

Cryptoassets: money for nothing?

Currency, property or something else? An overview of the current treatment of cryptoassets by the courts and taxation authorities, by Helen Brander

17 December 2021 / Helen Brander

Cryptoassets as a commodity for legal services

Would you know what to do if offered payment in non-fiat, digital, crypto form? Byron James is your guide...

17 December 2021 / Byron James

Hitting back at cyberattack

Sam Thomas continues his series on cybersecurity with a guide to the practical steps chambers can follow after a cyberattack, including injunctive relief

16 December 2021 / Sam Thomas

Time to look at incorporating?

Three reasons why barristers might consider incorporation, by Nick Bonnello

01 December 2021 / Nick Bonnello

The antiracist court

Racial disparity and racism can impact experiences in the courtroom; Abimbola Johnson has some constructive solutions on how we can effectively challenge it

12 November 2021 / Abimbola Johnson

Regulatory roles and how to get them

Highly sought after and ideally suited to the skills and experience of members of the Bar... how to maximise your chances when applying for a ‘regulatory role’? By Paul Secher

09 November 2021 / Paul Secher

Have we got planning news for you

Not your average CPD... born out of lockdown, HWGPNFY was devised to raise money for the NHS and entertain while discussing the latest developments in planning law and policy

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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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