Abimbola Johnson

Abimbola Johnson

Abimbola Johnson is a barrister at 25 Bedford Row. Her practice focuses on serious crime, professional discipline and inquiry work. She is the Chair of the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board for the Police Plan of Action on Inclusion and Race.

Articles by this author


The antiracist court

Racial disparity and racism can impact experiences in the courtroom; Abimbola Johnson has some constructive solutions on how we can effectively challenge it

12 November 2021
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WhatsApp? Group support at the Bar

The flipside of independence can be isolation, particularly as barristers become more senior and spend less time physically in chambers. If you’ve ever felt alone at the Bar, a WhatsApp group could be the answer, writes Abimbola Johnson 

14 February 2020
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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