Practice Toolset


What the Bar can learn from... trade unions on equality of opportunity

Unions aren’t an obvious port of call for those at the Bar seeking inspiration for how to widen access and develop talent but we have a number of challenges in common, writes Ijeoma Omambala QC 

11 November 2020 / Ijeoma Omambala KC

OPINION: ‘The year that was left behind’ – the Bar exams 2020

A Bar student’s account of the litany of issues involved with this year’s centrally assessed papers. By Joshua Xerri  

09 November 2020 / Joshua Xerri

Judging: is it really your future?

There are two particular traits that judicial applicants can display repeatedly, and these can lead to inaccurate self-assessment. For those ready to be brutally honest with themselves, Manjula Bray sets out a five-step strategy to help plan for success 

02 November 2020 / Manjula Bray

‘Level 3’ remote working: a better system for all

Given time, investment, uniformity of procedure, changes to working habits and an approach that makes the most of the medium rather than trying to ‘hold ground’, Joseff Morgan  considers whether remote working could create a better court system for all

02 November 2020 / Joseff Morgan

Robing room bullying

Rudeness in the robing room, sledging tactics and the unkindness of strangers when you’re newly called. Rehna Azim on bullying at the Bar and what you can do about it  

02 November 2020 / Rehna Azim

Let's talk about: Menopause at the Bar

Tackling the menopause as part of chambers’ strategy to better retain women - Louise Corfield  identifies what the Bar can do to support its members through the menopause and how it might be impacting applications for senior positions

02 October 2020 / Louise Corfield

Obituary: Sir Gavin Lightman

Outspoken and unafraid

28 September 2020 / Khawar Qureshi KC

Take a successful break

Lucy Barbet's top tips on how to plan, communicate and execute a career break, and get your practice up and running again quickly 

25 September 2020 / Lucy Barbet

Language bias at the Bar

A rose by any other name? Language matters not only when giving references but in all aspects of our work as lawyers, writes Rachel Barrett : recognising unconscious bias and the importance of gender-fair word choices

25 September 2020 / Rachel Barrett

Fair’s fair: next 100 years

The Bar Council’s plans to accelerate progress (or at least shift away from reverse) in diversity and fair work distribution across the Bar. By Sam Mercer 

25 September 2020 / Sam Mercer
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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