Practice Toolset


Why we need to create a trauma-informed legal community...

... and better support our criminal and family law colleagues. By Camilla Wells 

07 August 2023 / Camilla Wells

What makes a responsible chambers?

Know where to start on ESG? Rachel Holmes – CEO of the chambers named ‘Responsible Business of the Year 2023’ – shares its blueprint 

07 August 2023 / Rachel Holmes

The places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen

See it, feel it, live it: Jamil Mohammed recounts his adventures with the American Bar Association during a Pegasus Scholarship to Washington DC 

07 August 2023 / Jamil Mohammed

Dual qualify: the Jersey and Guernsey Bars

Charles Sorensen and Amy Richardson outline the workings and benefits of a dual qualified practice - not least securing tenancy 

07 August 2023 / Amy Richardson / Charles Sorensen

Getting paid

Mark Friston’s refresher on contractual arrangements between counsel and their instructing solicitors, with a particular emphasis on actually getting paid 

10 July 2023 / Mark Friston

Tendering for public sector contracts

Interested in bidding for public sector legal work? Josh Bates explains how to get into your best tendering position before the new procurement system starts in 2024

10 July 2023 / Josh Bates

Financial planning for the junior Bar

Avoid expensive mistakes with Jackie Streat’s smart guide to a self-employed junior barrister’s tax obligations 

10 July 2023 / Jackie Streat

Keeping up with the times?

With a new generation of barristers seeking out more ways to enhance their skillset, are ‘traditional’ barristers in danger of losing out? asks Orlagh Kelly

10 July 2023 / Orlagh Kelly

Ready for a summer ‘re-set’?

And what benefits do you want to see? Nikki Alderson shares seven strategies to start the ball rolling… 

10 July 2023 / Nikki Alderson

What makes a good mental health & wellbeing policy?

Dr Anna Colton explains the essential concepts to grasp when devising a mental health and wellbeing policy for chambers and why culture is essential to its success

12 June 2023 / Dr Anna Colton
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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