Law in Practice


A Helping Hand

The HELP Programme (the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) supports the Council of Europe member states in implementing the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level.Simon O’Toole explains  

Over the past 20 years the international community has become aware of the deficiencies and gaps in political governance in states, the increasing power of transnational businesses, and the potential of businesses to affect negatively the rights of individuals. 

28 September 2015 / Simon O’Toole

Lessons to be learned

The Harris Review report reveals some harrowing truths about life for young people in prison, as Stephen Cragg QC reports, with comment from Frances Crook  

At the beginning of 2014, I was appointed to the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP) on Deaths in Custody, providing independent advice to the government on deaths in prisons, police stations, immigration detention centres, mental hospitals and anywhere else where the state deprived people of their liberty. 

24 August 2015 / Stephen Cragg KC / Frances Crook

A backward step?

The government’s present proposals to replace the Human Rights Act 1998 are seriously flawed, says Dominic Grieve QC MP 

24 August 2015 / Dominic Grieve

An objectionable agreement?

Steven Powles highlights the possible threats to democracy and the rule of law posed by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership  

Ever since the general election, much attention has rightly focused on the government’s intention to scrap the Human Rights Act 1998.  

24 August 2015 / Steven Powles
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Update: Female Genital Mutilation and the Serious Crime Act 2005

Nkumbe Ekaney QC and Charlotte Proudman outline the key legislative changes on FGM introduced by the Serious Crime Act  

Female genital mutilation (FGM) now forms part of our political and public consciousness.  


Wrongful removal?

Marie Crawford explains the biggest child abduction law reforms in 30 years and why unmarried fathers without parental responsibility must protect themselves  

When family lawyers consider the issue of child abduction, in contrast perhaps to the general population, we don’t necessarily think of what is termed stranger abduction , which tends to grab the headlines and dominate gritty TV dramas.  

20 July 2015 / Marie Crawford

Blogger profile: Adam Wagner

In Counsel’s first interview of the series, Penny Cooper speaks to human rights blogger, Adam Wagner  

Blogging – not so different from squirreling on skeles 

20 July 2015

Barrister Bloggers and the Legal Twitterati

Matthew Nicklin QC introduces readers to the world of the legal blogger  

Think that Twitter is just for kids?  

20 July 2015 / Matthew Nicklin KC

Buying-in to unreality, expediency and morality

Paul Marshall asks how safe is the common law from the judiciary 

29 June 2015 / Paul Marshall

Getting it right

Instead of building on the rights recognised under our constitution and in our history, the Human Rights Act of 1998 side-lined them by importing wholesale into our courts the case law of the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg, argues Martin Howe QC.   

Now is the time to bring our rights home – this time properly – he claims, in another article in our series looking at all the issues in this controversial area.. 

29 June 2015 / Martin Howe KC
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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