Law in Practice


Adviser to the top of government

Anthony Inglese CB meets the government’s most senior legal official, Treasury Solicitor Jonathan Jones, for an insight into his role and the application of law in the political context  

‘Government wants to do whatever’s possible to achieve its aims within the rule of law – and will push at the limits, as it has every right to do,’ explains Jonathan Jones, the lawyer who advises the pinnacle of government.  

31 May 2016 / Anthony Inglese CB

Shakespeare and the legal world

Marking the Bard’s anniversary year, Quentin Skinner examines Shakespeare’s links with the law and use of dramatic techniques through the lens of the classical theory of forensic eloquence  

Shakespeare had many dealings with lawyers and the law, most of them arising from his role as a successful man of business.  

31 May 2016 / Quentin Skinner

Moving on

What’s restorative justice got to do with barristers? Mary Cowe explores its relevance to the Bar, benefits for offender and victim and impact on recidivism  

The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) is a national membership organisation that advocates the widespread use of all forms of restorative practice, including restorative justice (RJ).  

26 May 2016 / Mary Cowe

Responding to terrorism

David Anderson QC reflects on his role as the UK’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation and outlines how the law is being used to tackle terrorist threats  

When I strayed from the rich and sheltered pastures of European law into the post of Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, the notion that I might ever have anything useful to say about responding to terrorism would have seemed ridiculous. 

25 April 2016 / David Anderson KC

EU REFERENDUM SPECIAL: A relationship study

Evanna Fruithof sets the context to the referendum debate with a retrospective and prospective analysis of the UK-EU relationship  

In January 1973, with the entry into force of the European Communities Act 1972, the UK became a member of the European Economic Community (EEC), which has evolved into the European Union (EU).  

25 April 2016 / Evanna Fruithof

EU REFERENDUM SPECIAL: A substantial and binding reform

Professor Sir Alan Dashwood QC assesses the substance and legal character of the reform package negotiated for the UK with the EU  

This article examines the ‘new settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union’, which is contained in texts annexed to the conclusions of the European Council of 18 and 19 February 2015. 


EU REFERENDUM SPECIAL: The EU debate: in or out?

Rhodri Thompson QC presents the case for the UK remaining in the EU & Martin Howe QC presents the case for the UK leaving the EU  


25 April 2016 / Martin Howe KC / Rhodri Thompson

Rebalancing the scales of justice

Obtaining good quality witness testimony in historic sex cases is essential for vulnerable witnesses and suspects alike, say Pamela Radcliffe and Gisli H. Gudjonsson  

The overriding objective contained within the Criminal Procedure Rules 2015 (1.1. (1-2)), declares ‘that criminal cases be dealt with justly’.  


Jogee loose ends

David Ormerod and Karl Laird examine where secondary liability and joint enterprise stand in law after Jogee  

The decision of the Supreme Court and Privy Council in R v Jogee  [2016] UKSC 8; Ruddock v The Queen  [2016] UKPC 7 has unsurprisingly achieved considerable publicity and comment.  


The world post-Jogee

Dennis Kavanagh considers the Supreme Court’s judgment in Jogee – or the life and death of the doctrine of parasitic liability – and what it means for practitioners, the public and jurisprudence more generally  

At para 11 of the judgment of the Supreme Court in R v Jogee  [2016] UKSC 8, Lord Neuberger reflects that when it comes to joint enterprise criminality, ‘numbers often matter’. 

21 March 2016 / Dennis Kavanagh
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