Law in Practice


LGBTI rights in British overseas territories

The reversal of the same-sex marriage law in Bermuda is unconstitutional, argues Dr Leonardo Raznovich. Is the UK fulfilling its role in protecting LGBTI rights in British overseas terrorities?  

01 June 2018 / Dr Leonardo Raznovich

Firearms and fury: The rise of gun crime in the UK

The case of the antique firearms dealer who exploited legal loopholes reveals that gun control in the UK is not nearly as tight as we may think. By Rupert Jones  

01 June 2018 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones

Police must investigate: Worboy’s victims win human rights case

Victims of crime involving inhuman or degrading treatment can seek redress for police failings, explains Matthew Flinn, following the Supreme Court decision breaking new ground in UK human rights law 

30 April 2018 / Matthew Flinn

WannaCry? A barrister’s guide to the cybercrime galaxy

Malware is on the rise and there’s a whole cybercrime industry – said to be worth $1bn globally – eager to hold your data to ransom. You could be struck at home, in transit or chambers and the legal sector reported a sharp jump in incidents last year. Sandip Patel QC briefs readers on the key dangers  

30 April 2018 / Sandip Patel KC

Free will? Ilott v Mitson one year on

Has  Ilott v Mitson righted the wrongs of the past? One year on, Oliver Ingham assesses the impact of a headline-making decision  

30 April 2018 / Oliver Ingham

Spring 2018: a Brussels Brexit stock-take

Is the rocky road to Brexit obscured by London fog? Taking stock from Brussels, Evanna Fruithof joins calls for fewer speeches and more legal texts  

30 April 2018 / Evanna Fruithof
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Unintended consequences

It isn’t only big policy decisions that have unintended consequences; Rawdon Crozier explains how a well-intentioned and principled change in public policy killed the Lease Conference  

26 April 2018 / Rawdon Crozier

Regulating internet surveillance

RIPA is dead, long live the IPA? As the so-called Snooper’s Charter comes into force, Tom Hickman examines the two regimes, recent case law and checks and balances on the state’s new bulk digital surveillance powers  

23 April 2018 / Tom Hickman

‘Best interest’ cases

As publicity and concern grow over life support and best interest cases, Rosalind English provides an overview of the courts’ approach  

23 April 2018 / Rosalind English
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Myths and Money: Social Mobility and our Profession

By Sir Paul Jenkins KCB QC 

Reprinted with the kind permission of  The Middle Templar (Michaelmas 2017 edition)  

20 March 2018
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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