Ending harassment: men, welcome to the conversation!

Without the input of 66% of the Bar and 85% of heads of chambers, how can we solve the problem of harassment? After all, the dividing line isn’t gender, it’s Harassers v Appalled. Male barristers share their views 

Somewhere over the rainbow

Why is there almost no provision for R&D at the Bar? Are we even bothering to look for innovation? Surely we should be helping to incubate the happy little bluebirds of the future, invest in LawTech, and make survival a given 

19 March 2019 / Robin Jackson

Talent spotting & topography shifting

How to identify candidates with the best potential? Is diverse recruitment easier said than done? 20 Essex Street – the first chambers to use a contextual recruitment system – is experimenting with big data to find out 

19 March 2019 / Michael Coburn KC

What the Bar can learn from…… Law firm appraisals

Why law firms do 360 degree feedback and techniques the Bar can adopt 

19 March 2019 / Jay Connolly
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Search strategies

How to use advanced searching techniques to get the best results from your subscription databases, making your research more efficient and cost-effective 

19 March 2019 / Adam Woellhaf

Discriminatory instructions

Raising discrimination issues can be tricky at the best of times; even more so when it’s you who’s dropped from a case. A first-hand account of the difficulties in challenging the status quo and growing will for change 


19 March 2019 / Rehana Popal

The youth court spiral

Legal aid, resource and disclosure issues are hitting the youth courts just as hard as the adult system. Without proper attention they will continue their downward spiral 

19 March 2019 / Joanne Kane

Remunerated whistleblowers

An argument for a new statutory framework: where money changes hands, and a whistleblower is paid for the disclosure of information, so much is still shrouded in mystery 

19 March 2019 / Jonathan Fisher KC

Barrister's best: William Clegg QC

Best books, top tracks, iconic inspirations and escape essentials: Counsel invites William Clegg QC to share his cultural influences 

19 March 2019
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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