
Volunteer responder

A barrister’s experience of volunteering in a London hospital during the pandemic 

By Stephen Page 

23 February 2021 / Stephen Page

Creating a secure virtual space

Missing the designated chambers tech wiz? Sam Thomas  on the risks and liabilities when working remotely, and five practical steps to help you meet data protection requirements and keep cyber safe

19 February 2021 / Sam Thomas

Not going out: WFH the healthy way

Cara Goldthorpe offers some tips for developing a positive mindset, making healthy choices and optimising time and (work) space when we are predominantly home-based 

22 January 2021 / Cara Goldthorpe

‘Must haves’ for going virtual

Charlotte Baker  discusses the kit, apps and tips you need to make remote and paperless working… work

22 January 2021 / Charlotte Baker

Building for the future post-COVID

The pandemic has transformed perspectives and practice at the Bar. While the physical chambers is far from over, it’s clearly going to be different for the future.  

By Catherine Calder  

22 January 2021 / Catherine Calder
Brighton seafront (c) Natasha Isaac

Anti-vaxxers, vaccine hesitancy and winning back trust

Is failure to confront the root cause of vaccine hesitancy driving people towards anti-vax views? Natasha Isaac  examines how pervasive conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines have become  

22 January 2021 / Natasha Isaac

Fit your own mask first: living life at the criminal Bar

We defend fearlessly our clients’ best interests and fight for the underdog every day in court, but neglect to apply that same attitude to ourselves. What is needed to improve the lives of those who seek to stand up for justice and assure the future of the profession? 

By Siân Beaven  

30 November 2020 / Siân Beaven

COVID-19 and customer due diligence

With pandemic-related fraud on the rise, Christopher Convey  explains how barristers should maintain vigilance against anyone seeking to launder criminal funds or channel monies towards terrorist activity

20 November 2020 / Christopher Convey

Consider the carers: the impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 working practices threaten further significant and disproportionate attrition of women from the Bar. Rachael Goodall  sets out the Western Circuit Women’s Forum’s call to action and proposals to mitigate the risk 

28 September 2020 / Rachael Goodall

COVID: the Bar’s pro bono response

What the Bar has been doing, what more needs to be done, and the contribution that can be made by individual barristers. By Andrew Hillier QC 

28 September 2020 / Andrew Hillier KC
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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