Catherine Calder

Catherine Calder

Catherine Calder is Joint Chief Executive at Serjeants’ Inn, the award-winning set which specialises in high-stakes cases, often involving important legal, ethical and social issues.

Articles by this author


Building for the future post-COVID

The pandemic has transformed perspectives and practice at the Bar. While the physical chambers is far from over, it’s clearly going to be different for the future. 

By Catherine Calder

22 January 2021

Rules of engagement

The cost of employing the staff team is often the largest single element of expenditure for a set of chambers. Are your set’s employees ‘fully engaged’ or are they simply ‘coming to work’? asks Catherine Calder

19 July 2019

Decisions, decisions

Is your chambers constitution the weakest link? Advocates for corporate change, Robin Jackson, David Barnes, Catherine Calder and Nick Rees explain how to re-structure for maximum decision-making effect

05 October 2017
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Chair’s Column

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Bar Council priorities 2025

The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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