Timothy Fancourt KC

Timothy Fancourt KC

Timothy is the Chairman of the Chancery Bar Association and a Recorder and Deputy High Court Judge. He practises from Falcon Chambers, specialising in all aspects of property litigation.

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A helping hand

Timothy Fancourt QC and Penelope Reed QC explain how the Chancery Bar Association is helping to improve the litigant-in-person experience, a key focus of the Chancery Modernisation Review.

The drastic cuts in legal aid funding and the inexorable rise in the cost of everything in London (lawyers’ fees for substantial litigation being apparently no exception) mean that more and more people are having to represent themselves in court. Even in a finance, business and property court like the Chancery Division. And as a result, more and more litigants in person have serious cases to argue.

08 May 2014
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