Mr Justice McCloskey

Mr Justice McCloskey

McCloskey J is a High Court Judge in Northern Ireland; President of the UK Upper Tribunal, Asylum and Immigration Chamber; Chairman of The Northern Ireland Law Commission 2009-2012; Northern Ireland Judge of the United Kingdom Upper Tier Tribunal; Judge In Residence at Queen’s University, Belfast; and Deputy Chairman of the Boundary Commission of Northern Ireland.

Articles by this author


Cur Ad Vult – reserve thy judgment

Does Latin still have a place in the modern judgment? Mr Justice McCloskey considers the patterns, and challenges, of judgment-writing in the common law system

The Latin legal term curia advisari vult (abbreviation cur adv vult), meaning ‘the court wishes to consider the matter’ (literally ‘to be advised’), is familiar to most in the UK legal system and appears in countless thousands of law reports. 

01 February 2016
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