Law in Practice


A change has gotta come

Glenn Parsons takes a snapshot of diversity and inclusion at the Bar in 2021 – and shares what barristers on the North Eastern Circuit are doing to make lasting change happen  

23 February 2021 / Glenn Parsons

Strangulation and false narratives of consent

The issues considered in New Zealand’s Kempson v R  echo calls for urgent law reform in England and Wales through the Domestic Abuse Bill and a standalone strangulation offence, write Susan Edwards and Kris Gledhill 

23 February 2021 / Kris Gledhill / Susan Edwards

Future of the HRA in British courts

Is the Independent Human Rights Act Review asking the right questions? Timothy Kiely takes a look at its scope, context and potential impact 

19 February 2021 / Timothy Kiely

Priti Patel, the Independent Adviser, and ministerial irresponsibility

Beyond the consequences of the impunity granted to the Home Secretary by the Prime Minister’s decision, there are some notable constitutional implications of this episode 

y Professor Mike Gordon  

22 January 2021 / Mike Gordon

The future of the legal aid Bar

The Westminster Commission on Legal Aid is an ambitious cross-party initiative examining the state – and assessing the future – of the socially vital legal aid sector as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic 

By Rohini Teather  

22 January 2021 / Rohini Teather

Problem-solving courts: hope over despair

Neither a recurring legal fashion trend, nor weird transplant from across the Atlantic, UK problem-solving courts have a long and transformative history, writes Phil Bowen  

22 January 2021 / Phil Bowen

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (4)

HHJ Nott continues her ground-breaking series with an analysis of 2019/20 publicly funded criminal/civil instructions and newly released profession-wide data, as the Bar is called upon to ‘confront, not hide’ the shocking discrepancies in pay and access to work between male and female barristers 

04 January 2021 / HHJ Emma Nott

Access to the Bar for all: a blueprint

The award-winning Garden Court Chambers scheme wants to inspire the Bar to widen horizons and deliver long-term support to those who might never have considered a career in the law. Mia Hakl-Law  explains how

04 January 2021 / Mia Hakl-Law

Accent diversity at the Bar

A sociolinguist’s view on linguistic prestige, RP and accent-based prejudice at the Bar, and the case for expanding diversity in the courtroom. By Dr Rob Drummond 

24 December 2020 / Dr Rob Drummond

Does nature have rights?

The strange honour of being a barrister for the Earth prompts reflection on the nature of rights: should we move from an anthropocentric to an ecocentric approach? New paradigms post COVID-19 

By  Monica Feria-Tinta   

30 November 2020 / Monica Feria-Tinta
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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