Secret E-Diary

It pays to watch a trial from time to time 

29 May 2019
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Brexit and the constitution: seven lessons

We’re having a constitutional moment – the Brexit process has exposed a fairly dysfunctional relationship between law and politics in Westminster. Some lessons learned. 

23 May 2019 / Dr Jack Simson Caird

In defence of rights: Shami Chakrabarti

It’s a difficult moment for human rights, no question, argues Shadow Attorney General Baroness Chakrabarti. The ardent defender of human rights and civil liberties muses on Brexit’s impact, lawyers’ responsibilities and issues ahead 

18 April 2019 / Alice de Coverley

Overcoming imposter syndrome

You’ve made it to the Bar – spread your wings, trust in your abilities and be your authentic self; candid advice on how to beat imposter syndrome and enrich life and practice 

BarTech opportunity awaits

Don’t let solicitors steal a march on the Bar. The time is ripe to monetise your knowledge, consolidate your reputation and start up your inner tech entrepreneur 

18 April 2019 / Andrew Thornton

Making the move to partnership

Enthusiastically embraced by the young Bar for some years, now those more established in their careers are responding to opportunities the employed Bar can offer. Where to start? Here’s a practical guide to help you navigate the process by Sara George 

18 April 2019 / Sara George

What the Bar can learn from... The masters of influence

What is it that brilliant influencers do to get people on their side? Try adopting techniques from the world of sales to read client personalities, influence decisions and get more – and better – briefs. By Gavin Presman 

18 April 2019 / Gavin Presman

Gifts and entertainment

What to do if a grateful client offers you a holiday on their superyacht? A guide to your professional obligations 

18 April 2019 / Tony McDaid / Clare Strickland

Brexit and the politics of law-making

Should MPs be able to legislate contrary to the wishes of the government of the day? The Cooper Bill has raised fundamental questions over the relationship between law and politics in the United Kingdom 

18 April 2019 / Dr Jack Simson Caird
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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