Abuse at court: the way we live now?

Perhaps in tune with the times, everything seems personal. Have you, or anyone you know, had a problem with online abuse, threats or violence as a result of being at the Bar? 

23 September 2019 / Sharon Beattie

Chambers: more than a business, it’s family

A tribute to a special model: the difference it makes when you realise you work with a group of over 60 individuals who care about each other 

23 September 2019 / Cliff Alderson

How to tame your inner critic

We all have an inner critical voice, to a greater or lesser degree. So what is it, how can it affect us as practitioners and how do we become less vulnerable to its impact? 

23 September 2019 / Gillian Higgins

Accent bias

Do you ever wonder whether your accent is holding you back at the Bar? And making a difference in court? Observations from a barrister with an accent 

23 September 2019 / Allan Briddock

Prorogation: principle and law, fact and causation

The salient issue in relation to prorogation is whether the Prime Minister’s discretionary power should be limited pursuant to the constitutional principles underlying case law: the case for judicial intervention 

23 September 2019 / Paul Craig

Litigating for clean air

Air quality: how bad is it and what is the law doing in response? 

23 September 2019 / Rose Grogan

What’s it to the EU? Assange’s extradition

Enhanced protection in law by means of a proposed EU directive might yet be Assange’s real legacy and contribution to freedom in reporting information 

23 September 2019 / Abigail Bright

PTSD and working in an underfunded sector

Is a legal aid lawyer’s work all stress and distress? And what can we do about it? 

23 September 2019 / Professor Jo Delahunty KC

Barrister's best: Gary Bell QC

Counsel  invites the indefatigable Gary Bell QC to share his cultural life and times 

23 September 2019 / Gary Bell KC

How to get the best out of your head teacher

Good schools try to foster lasting relationships with parents, working in partnership with them. So how can you develop the best relationship with your head? A former head teacher provides the lowdown 

23 September 2019 / Guy Canning
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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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