Zia Akhtar

Zia Akhtar

Zia is a member of Gray’s Inn and an alumni of the University of London. His interests include criminal law, regulatory law, immigration law, media law, EU law and judicial review in the Commonwealth. An advocate of indigenous rights, he has published several doctrinal papers on the subject.

Articles by this author


Domestic jurisdiction and crime of aggression

What status do ‘crimes of aggression’ have in English law? A personal opinion by Zia Akhtar who examines the recent judicial review in the context of recent air strikes on Syria

01 June 2018

Wilful neglect

With a disturbing rise in deaths due to poor care, abuse or neglect in hospitals and care homes, Zia Akhtar examines the impact of the new criminal offence of wilful neglect. Will it improve or undermine the safety of vulnerable patients?

The offence of ‘wilful neglect’ is a new offence under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (CJCA 2015) under which there is criminal liability where a person has been placed under the care of a medical professional in a hospital or care home (s 20), or under private home care (s21). 

24 January 2017
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