Sheryn Omeri

Sheryn Omeri

Sheryn is an Australian-born Iranian-Kurdish barrister practising at Cloisters.

Articles by this author

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Guilty pleas at the ICC

Should guilty pleas be entertained by the ICC and, more controversially, should they be sought in the first place? Sheryn Omeri looks at the arguments for and against, in the context of an ongoing prosecution for cultural destruction in UNESCO-listed Timbuktu

For the first time in the 14-year history of the International Criminal Court (ICC) a defendant charged with a war crime has indicated his intention to plead guilty.  

31 May 2016

The orphaning of future generations

Sheryn Omeri on the destruction of cultural property and the first International Criminal Court prosecution

18 December 2015
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Illegality in Context

Sheryn Omeri on the recent decision in Hounga v Allen.

In the recent Supreme Court decision in Hounga v Allen, the claimant, Miss Hounga, had arrived in the UK on a fraudulent passport which she had used to secure a 6-month visitor’s visa.

30 March 2015

Chemical Weapons and The ICC

Can the International Criminal Court start prosecuting for the use and supply of chemical weapons? Sheryn Omeri considers the ICC’s options.

The centenary of the start of World War I reminded us that it will soon be the centenary of the use of poison gas in international warfare.

12 January 2015
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The Bar Council faces both opportunities and challenges on our key areas this year

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