Sahar Farooqi

Sahar Farooqi

Sahar Farooqi co-founded and led the advocacy business of an international law firm for around seven years with Jonathan Robinshaw before they joined DAC Beachcroft as Partners in January 2021, where they have since been joined by a number of other barristers, advocates and clerks in setting up ‘8 DAC Beachcroft Buildings’ or 8DB; the new, purpose built, in-house chambers offering of the firm.

Articles by this author


What’s the point of using LinkedIn?

Key benefits of the platform for the Bar, how to build engagement, and the secrets of the almighty algorithm – all generously unravelled by barrister and LinkedIn influencer Sahar Farooqi

01 November 2022

Nailing your pupillage applications

Pupil supervisor Sahar Farooqi shares ten simple and pragmatic tips that might just change how you approach your applications

01 September 2021

‘Firming’ up the Bar

A chambers... in a law firm? The in-house advocacy model re-imagined: Sahar Farooqi and Jonathan Robinshaw explain how it works and where it sits under ‘the Bar’ umbrella

26 March 2021
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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