Paul Magrath

Paul Magrath

Paul Magrath is Head of Product Development and Online Content at ICLR. He is also a trustee of the Transparency Project and a regular legal commentator. Paul is co-author of Transparency in the Family Courts (Bloomsbury Professional: 2018) and recently contributed a chapter to The Courts and the People: Friend or Foe? edited by DJ Galligan (Hart: 2021).

Articles by this author


Law reporting: a history

Paul Magrath of ICLR recalls the chequered history of law reporting prior to the 1865 establishment of a Council of Law Reporting

13 May 2024

The art and craft of the headnote

Paul Magrath on the law reporter's craft and history of the headnote

18 December 2023

The wills and won’ts of royal estates

Litigation over the will of His late Royal Highness Prince Philip raised questions of transparency, accusations of ‘secret courts’ and provided an opportunity to delve into some royal history, writes Paul Magrath

01 November 2022

In the bleak midwinter, tales of life (and death) in the law

Christmas Legal Fiction roundup for Counsel Magazine by Paul Magrath.

Books discussed:

Ian McEwan, The Children Act (Cape, £16.99)

Peter Murphy, A Matter for the Jury (No Exit Press, £8.99)

Kathy Lette, Courting Trouble (Bantam, £14.99)

Nick Stone, The Verdict (Sphere, £16.99)

24 November 2014

Law and morality: the eternal debate

Last autumn two senior judges gave speeches concerning the relationship between law and morality, thus reigniting the embers of a debate which has flared up repeatedly over the last two centuries.

04 February 2014
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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