Neelam Sarkaria

Neelam Sarkaria

Neelam is Chair of the Association of Women Barristers. She qualified as a barrister in 1988 and worked for the CPS for 24 years. Neelam is now an independent criminal justice consultant and a member of the Desert Flower Foundation UK Advisory Team on Female Genital Mutilation. She was appointed a fee-paid Tribunal Judge in 2006 and sits on social security hearings.

Articles by this author


Joined up justice

Following the first conviction under the new law, Neelam Sarkaria and Detective Chief Superintendent Gerry Campbell ask whether legislation alone can eradicate the evil of forced marriage and protect its victims

“Forced marriage is a gross abuse of human rights. 

28 September 2015
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Tip of the iceberg: is the family court ready for a surge in activity for FGM?

Neelam Sarkaria and Gerry Campbell argue that local authorities should be more proactive in bringing applications for FGM Protection Orders to combat the “great evil” of FGM

“Given what we now know is the distressingly great prevalence of FGM in this country even today, some 30 years after FGM was first criminalised, it is sobering to reflect that this is not merely the first care case where FGM has featured but also, I suspect, if not the first one of only a handful of FGM cases that have yet found their way to the family courts…” (Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division 2015)

04 August 2015

Generation equality?

“Would you encourage your daughter to join the Bar?” asks Neelam Sarkaria

Women in the profession are often asked whether we would recommend the Bar as a future career to their daughters. 

27 April 2015
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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