Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson is co-chair of the Association of Women Barristers, founded in 1991 to monitor and represent the interests of women at the Bar. She was called to the Bar in 2006 and has a criminal defence practice at Furnival Chambers.

Articles by this author

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SBA Report

When will women barristers be allowed to compete on a level playing field with their male counterparts, without stereotypes intruding? As the Association of Women Barristers marks its 25th anniversary in June, co-chair Lisa Wilson reflects on progress and future direction

‘Would you rather be a bitch or a bimbo?’ asked my criminal litigation tutor in Bar School, less than a decade ago. ‘As a woman entering the criminal Bar, those are your choices,’ he advised.

31 May 2016
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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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