Her Honour Judge Usha Karu

Her Honour Judge Usha Karu

Appointed as a Circuit Judge in 2005 and currently sitting at the Inner London Crown Court, HHJ Karu is one of the two Diversity and Community Relations Judges for Inner London Crown Court. She is the coordinating Judge for Judicial Mentors for Recorders for the London area as well as the New Recorders Training Judge at the Inner London Crown Court, and a judicial member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal (Restricted Patients Panel).

Articles by this author


Joining the judiciary

Are you ready to become a judge? In the first of a series in which Counsel explores how to join the judiciary, HHJ Usha Karu outlines her own tribunals route and offers an insight into the application and selection processes

When barristers consider applying for judicial appointment they frequently have only one role in mind – Recorder. 

28 September 2015
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