Donald Turner

Donald Turner

Donald Turner, of Practice Management Excellence Training, works exclusively for the chambers sector. PME supplies management and business development training and coaching for chambers’ practice teams and members of the Bar. PME works in collaboration with ABC Chambers solutions as well as the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks developing and running industry led training programmes: www.pmetraining.co.uk

Articles by this author


Appraisals as a tool for change

Don Turner explains how a good staff appraisal system can bring growth to your practice team, align it with chambers’ goals and help tackle any difficult components

13 November 2023

The business of chambers and how to invest for success

How to compete? Members’ success can hinge on practice staff ‘getting it right’ and, preferably, being better than your competitors’ team. So soft skills training makes sound sense...

22 August 2019
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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