Camila Ferraro

Camila Ferraro

Camila Ferraro is the current President of the Middle Temple Students’ Association. She is studying the BPTC under the Jules Thorn Scholarship and has a particular interest in international criminal law. She writes here in a personal capacity and not as President of the MTSA or on behalf of the Inn.

Articles by this author

Roots, shoots and a place to practise?

The Inns of Court have long provided vital sustenance to the Bar, and their role continues to evolve. As they re-enter the Bar training market, is it time to give thought (and space) to expanding pupillage provision?

By Camila Ferraro

18 June 2020
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

Job of the Week


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