Anna Hoffmann

Anna Hoffmann

Anna Hoffmann is a barrister at 4 Pump Court, a leading commercial set. She grew up in Switzerland, read History and Politics at Oxford and studied Public Policy in Berlin before coming to the Bar.

Articles by this author


Same-sex marriage in Bermuda and pro bono

Anna Hoffmann talks with Dr Leo Raznovich, Alex Potts KC and solicitor members of the pro bono legal team about their intervention in Ferguson v UK. They cover the case’s significance with a view to helping others considering similar human rights litigation

10 June 2024

Handling pressure: during the best and worst of times

Stress and uncertainty have always been part of the pressure-cooker of life at the Bar – all the more so amid the enormities of COVID-19. Tapping into our collegial spirit, a silk, two junior counsel and a pupil share their own strategies

26 May 2020

Anna Hoffmann—Judgment Day

What was it like working as a junior junior on the controversial prorogation caseand will any case be the same again? A pupil’s account of the historic day

18 December 2019
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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